Coronavirus Guide

A coronavirus is a type of virus that can cause respiratory issues that can feel like a cold or flu. The virus that is causing the current outbreak is called SARS-CoV-2. It’s the same virus that caused an epidemic in 2003, which was referred to as severe acute respiration syndrome (SARS). The new virus is spreading more easily and quicker than the one that led to SARS. It is also spreading faster than the SARS CoV-1 virus during its outbreak.

The disease spreads through tiny droplets or particlesaerosolsthat are released when someone with the virus coughs, sneezes, or talks. The virus can float for several hours in the air. It is possible to breathe it in or even touch it on surfaces. People can contract the virus by touching a surface or a person, and then breathing in the virus, or by putting their hands in their mouth, eyes, or nose. Some people don’t exhibit any symptoms, and could not even realize they have the disease. Others can become ill.

A majority of people will contract coronavirus at the very least once in their lives, typically as children. The majority of cases are mild and will go away on their own, however certain cases can be very serious or even fatal. Scientists are trying to find a cure.

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