Tips for Making Online Board Meetings Productive

Many companies have embraced online board meetings, and with good reason. They save time and money, while also providing a wider range of opinions on decisions. However, there are a few problems with virtual meeting protocol that can hinder the momentum of discussions and hamper productivity.

To ensure a productive meeting, it’s essential to keep remote participants interested. Video can be used to introduce participants from remote locations and encourage them whenever possible to be in contact using their webcams. Encourage participation by asking participants to raise their hands whenever they are asked questions or to make comments. Encourage them to mute themselves when they are not talking to minimize background noises such as children and pets. Set a maximum time for speaking to avoid one person dominating an entire discussion and also to prevent boredom. This can be done by including the timeframes in your agenda or by appointing someone to be the timekeeper.

Send your board members a copy of their agenda as well as a list of the agenda items they will be discussing during the meeting. This will ensure that your board members arrive prepared and ready to make responsible decisions. Board members should be urged to focus the discussion and stay clear of tangential discussions that might not be beneficial to the agenda. It’s also an excellent idea to keep secure document handling in data rooms minutes of the meeting to record the conversation and serve as an invaluable reference for looking back on the meeting later on. Additionally, organizing and sending follow-up activities to participants following the meeting can aid in ensuring that all questions are addressed in a timely manner and that no deadlines are missed.

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