How to Prepare a Board Presentation

A board presentation is an extremely crucial thing that a leader team must perform. The board presentation is an opportunity for management to discuss their goals prioritization, performance, and goals to allow the board to assess its performance and decide whether it’s on the correct track. The board also gets a good idea of where the company is within its field and how it compares to its competitors.

A great board presentation is an amalgamation of high-level information (such as balance, income or cash flow statements) as well as more visual representations. This includes charts that provide context by linking them to time frames, company goals and competitor performance, as well examples of assets that demonstrate specific strategies (such as a photo of a brand-new social media or website ad).

A well-crafted board presentation involves using language that the board members can understand and apply. It is preferential to use metaphors that are easy to understand and connect to, for example, the business’s growth or growing it, than using technical terms which can be confusing or overwhelming. It is also essential to avoid jargon, and include an extensive glossary.

The board will want to know how your strategy will impact the bottom line and the steps needed to accomplish it. It’s helpful to talk to the person who has invited your presentation before the meeting or at the very least have a short phone conversation to gain a sense of the topic.

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