How to Secure Email For Exchanging Confidential Documents

Email was never intended to be a secure method for exchanging confidential documents. There are a few ways you can take to ensure your sensitive information is secured when it is sent via email.

Email disclaimers are a valuable tool for any business that exchanges confidential information regularly via email. Lawyers, psychologists and financial professionals are among those who frequently transmit confidential information from clients, including dates of birth, Social Tax or Security ID numbers, medical records, and other identifying details.

A confidentiality disclaimer makes clear to recipients that the information in the email cannot be shared with any other party and does not constitute a legal contract. These clauses, however, aren’t enforceable under any circumstance in the United States without the express written consent of the person receiving it to form the contract.

Another reason to use email disclaimers is to safeguard classified information and trade secrets. Trade secrets are formulas and compilations that a company considers to be essential for its competitiveness. Examples include the Coca-Cola recipe, or the Google algorithm. Data classified by a government agency to safeguard national security, foreign relations or other sensitive information.

The best way to protect private information when sending emails is to send them using end-to-end encryption. This encryption method encrypts both the email as well as attachments so only the intended recipients are able to read the messages. The most effective method for doing this is to use an email service that supports it, like Protonmail, Tutanota or Mailfence. If you’re looking to guarantee maximum privacy, opt for an email provider located in Europe that adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation.

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