Benefits of Document Distribution Software

Document distribution software makes it easier to send controlled documents, forms and other types of data to customers, vendors, employees and other stakeholders by automatizing the process. It also eliminates physical paperwork which requires manual handling. It also allows users to monitor the status of their comments and changes through an online repository. This eliminates duplication of work and discrepancies, lost information or. Document management software, like ImageSite and EngineBox can take paper-based document types digital files, as well as other inputs from multiple devices and applications. The software is scalable to meet growing organizational needs and can also incorporate workflow automation as well as data capture and electronic signature tools.

The software allows you to create a single source of truth for your documents, and provides version control. You can locate the most recent version of a document in the document management software, even if you have several versions of the file in your folders or programs. This can save your business time and money.

This is particularly crucial for projects in the construction and engineering sector where project documents undergo a multitude of changes over the course of their lives. It is vital that project stakeholders have access to the most up-to-date versions of these documents. Without document distribution software you could end up losing valuable team memberstime sifting through a variety of folders, emails inboxes and other devices to locate the most current version of a document.

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